Organic Cardamom Seed Extract

Organic cardamom seed extract (elettaria cardamomum) is a popular herb used in Indian cuisine to add both flavor and aroma. This spice has a sweet, vanilla-like scent and pleasant sweet flavor. It is used in hot and spicy foods, such as curries, as well as in sweet desserts and beverages. It can even be used for making tea. It is prized for its culinary uses, and is thought to offer a host of health benefits, too.

What are the health benefits of cardamom seed extract?

Cardamom seed extract has been used in herbal medicine and Ayurvedic remedies for thousands of years and is attributed to long life and improved health.  Some of the amazing benefits attributed to cardamom seeds are:

  • Prevents Heart Disease
  • Protects the Immune System
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Fights Infections
  • Promotes Digestive Health
  • Freshens Breath
  • Relieves Muscle Pain and Muscle Spasms
  • Relieves Depression

Is there scientific evidence to support the health benefits of cardamom seed extract?

Herbs and spices are not regulated by the FDA in the same way that medications are. They often have not been tested extensively to prove their effectiveness. They often rely on the anecdotal evidence or personal testimonies for their  support. Cardamom seed extract is no exception. While there have been several scientific studies showing the health benefits of cardamom seed extract, some claims are not yet supported by scientific evidence. The following studies have confirmed the use of cardamom seed extract for health reasons.

  • Cancer Fighting – Experimental evidence supports cardamom seed as a cancer fighter. This is attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties, says a report published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
  • Prevents Gastric Upset – A study published by Science Direct revealed that cardamom seed extract inhibited the growth of lessons in the stomach and intestinal tract.
  • Relaxes Muscles and Prevents Spasms: Another study published on Science Direct confirmed that cardamom seed works to relieve muscle spasms.


How do you take organic cardamom seed extract

Cardamom seed may come in a variety of forms. It may be taken internally, added to food, or used in cosmetics.  Always read the label carefully and do not use in  a manner other than that described by the manufacturer.

For thousands of years, people have touted the amazing health benefits of cardamom seed, but there have been relatively few studies to confirm it. If you want to try cardamom seed for your health, try adding Indian recipes to your weekly menu, otherwise, talk to your doctor before you begin a new herb. While cardamom is safe, if you are currently taking prescription medications you need to watch for interactions. Check with your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing before taking cardamom seed supplements.